The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: Pam resides in Greater Philadelphia and is Founder/Director of Word !NDeed (W!ND), Inc., an outreach entity established to provide a personalized, practical and spiritual approach to life and service through consulting, life coaching, coach training and other services offered to individuals, religious groups and other organizations. She is credentialed by LPCCI to serve as a Speaker, Consultant, Life Purpose Coach, Life Plan Facilitator, and Instructor. She is an Ordained Elder noted among Christian Women's and Ministry Women Networks and has traveled nationally as an empowerment speaker. She is the author of When God Turns the Page: Unlocking the Secret of God's Goodness During Seasons of Change, her first solo book project. She is contributing author to the Refined by Fire national book series and co-author for the Living the Better Life E-Newsletter of Dr. Royster volunteers with the Muscular Dystrophy Association and A Better Chance alumni. She currently serves as radio pastor/Bible host for the Word !NDeed broadcast aired on stations in 7 states and Professor for a local Bible Institute accredited by the Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary. She empowers persons to realize their unique "place" in life and motivates them toward success. In her spare moments, even when traveling, she can be found pouring over a cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle. |